- When purchasing one or more tickets, it is necessary to sele the costs of the registration fee, which amounts to EUR 2,00 per contract.
- Vračilo kupnine ni možno, razen v primeru odpovedi prireditve ali spremembe datuma prireditve, ob predložitvi ustreznega dokazila (vstopnica ali račun).
- Children up to the age of 6 have free entry every day. Children’s tickets for free entry must be picked up upon entering the venue.
- Do otroške vstopnice so upravičeni otroci od 7. do vključno 14. leta v spremstvu staršev ali skrbnikov. V nedeljo, 24. marca 2024, imajo otroci do vključno 14. leta prost vstop.
- Otroci do vključno 2. leta imajo v spremstvu staršev ali skrbnikov prost vstop na tribune. Otroci od dopolnjenega 3. leta potrebujejo svojo vstopnico za tribuno.
- Z nakupom vstopnice Tribuna Kavka imate dostop do ponudnikov hrane in pijače v neposredni bližini tribune (hrana in pijača proti doplačilu).
- V ceno vstopnice VIP KLUB PLANICA je všteto: brezplačen prevoz iz/v Kranjsko Goro (Hotel Kompas), hrana in pijača, sedež ob mizi in dostop do zunanje terase.
- V ceno vstopnice VIP KLUB 239 je všteto: brezplačen prevoz iz/v Kranjsko Goro (Hotel Kompas), prostor na posebni tribuni, en obrok hrane in pijača (neomejeno) v posebnem prostoru Klub 239. Z nakupom 3-dnevne vstopnice Klub 239 imate brezplačen vstop na prizorišče tudi v četrtek (brez pogostitve).
By purchasing a ticket, the visitor agrees to the restrictions set by the event organizer. The ticket is valid for one person (one-time entry), on the day of the event, which is indicated on the ticket. Any abuse is punished. The organizer reserves the right to make minor changes to the program. In case of cancellation of an individual match, holders of VIP tickets are only entitled to reimbursement of the value of the standing area ticket, if they have already entered the venue (the ticket was scanned upon entry). The importation of alcohol, bottles, glasses, cans, sticks, weapons, explosive bodies, fireworks and other items that may endanger people’s safety is strictly prohibited. Exit during the event is only possible at designated and marked places. Attending the event is at your own risk. By attending the event, the visitor authorizes audio-visual recording and photographing in a public place without compensation or compensation for public information purposes, including processing for journalistic and security purposes. Tickets buy only from authorized sellers. Tickets are sold at all Kompas branches and authorized agencies.